
Apple Releases New Mac Mini

Though most hype today may revolve around the ability to pre-order the new iPhone 4, Apple also gave us a new present-a unibody Mac Mini. From comparing the specs of previous models to the newly released unibody Mac Mini, they crush the previous generations and give current line models such as the iMac a run for the money. With the new slick design of the Mac Mini, the model looks extremely stylish and finds it way home to the unibody MacBook Pro. Here are the specs:

2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
320 GB hard drive

or the “server class” Mac Mini:

2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Dual 500 GB hard drive

Additionally, the new Mac Mini sports HDMI and an SD card. The new Mac Mini could fit comfortably instead of your current DVR. Could we expect HDMI to come in future updates? Also, unlike previous generations, the RAM is now more easily accessible. Twist the panel from the bottom of the Mac Mini and your good to go.


The iPhone 4 Antenna Fiasco

Apple is now saying that their antenna issue on the iPhone 4 is only a software issue and will be fixed with a software update. Apple announced that the problem was not with the antenna placement, but by the formula used to calculate how many bars your iPhone really has. They said the miscalculation could show you have two extra bars. They are going to be switching over to AT&T’s formula to calculate the bars in the next update, which should be rolling out in the next few weeks. I’m guessing you can expect the update in two weeks, but this is only a guess.


iOS 4: What’s Great For The Rest of Us?

My brother, the tech incapable one, asked me a good question today. What is the difference between our iPhone 3G’s-not 3G S on 3.1.3 and iOS 4. Of course, just after watching the keynote, I say there is a bunch of stuff. But as I said that, I thought about it. What is new for 3G users? Then, I started compiling a list. And when I got pretty much to the end of the list, all I could find were a mere few new items to the 3G. Folders, that’s a plus, but no multitasking-unless bypassed modifying the N82AP plist. We have video calling, wait no only iPhone 4 to iPhone 4. We got those neat-o unified mailboxes, which will help make me more productive. Lastly, any upgraded graphics Apple put into the newest OS, but that is pretty much it. In the long run, there are not many new features for the 3G, due to “hardware restraints.” Hopefully, Apple could work on putting these other features, such as multitasking, into 3G’s by changing some of the code to make them work. Although, this would not be a smart business plan for Apple by supporting devices for longer than 2 years. This is my hope, but as the Rolling Stones say, “You can’t always get what you want.”


iPhone 4: Are you in?

As that day comes closer and closer and I wait just to pre-order my iPhone 4(don’t hate, I still only have a 3g), it’s time to ask are you gonna get one?


Apple Launches HTML5 ‘Playground’

Apple ♥’s HTML5. Apple released its own HTML5 ‘playground‘ display the possibilities with HTML5. Apple posted the HTML5 ‘playground’ demonstrating video, graphics, audio, and typography-to name a few. The showcase is additionally created with the help of CSS3 and Javascript. However, it is important to note that this showcase can only be used through Apple’s Safari browser. Although, other browsers such as Mozilla’s Firefox browser and Google’s Chrome browser the HTMl5 demos will only run in Safari. This is Apple’s “HTML5 and web standards.”