The Real Mac Genius

iPad 2 Lines Still Crowded After Launch!

It has been more than a week since the launch of the iPad 2, and it is still difficult to get one. People have been lining up outside Apple retail stores every morning. Apple retail stores only receive shipments on certain days also, but they will not disclose the days it will receive a shipment. You have to go every morning just to check if they even have a shipment that day. Even if they do have a shipment, they only receive a small quantity. If you decide to buy it online, it now estimates that it will ship in 4-5 weeks, which is a very long time for those who are anxious to get there hands on one. On a positive note, if you buy it online at the Apple Online Store, you get free shipping and free iPad engraving, an Apple Online Store exclusive offer.

Apple Stores are now holding iPad 2 shipments that were received during the day, instead of selling them once they arrive, so they can sell it the next morning so people won’t crowd the store all day hoping a shipment will arrive to sell throughout the day. Some Apple Stores are even opening earlier just to sell the iPad 2 and get rid of the crowd so it will be less crowded for the normal business hours.

In my opinion, your best bet is to still purchase your iPad 2 online at the Apple Online Store. You get free shipping and the free iPad engraving is an awesome offer. You can your very own iPad 2 customized with your very own engraving. On the other side, I would also want to get my iPad 2 right away. It would also be a good idea to go to the Apple Store early in the morning and wait in line. Some people are even camping out, so there is a lot of competition for getting an iPad 2. Just make sure you are prepared for the weather. The iPad 2 is definitely in demand, and I hope they come out with more frequent and larger shipments because we are all waiting for one.

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